Sunday, 30 July 2017

Day 2 - London to Calais

Made it to the Channel Tunnel.

Didn't notice the sign til afterwards...
Bit wet last night, at Badgell's Wood.  Kept most of the mud out, and ended up cooking dinner under a parachute silk set up in the woods.

Badgell's Wood

Dinner in the rain

Experimented with tyre pressures - I'd put them up to 20 psi before setting off, after fixing the puncture, but that left the front skittish even on the tarmac let alone the trails.  It was then a bit emotional getting up the Wealdway Steps near Wrotham, so I let the pressures down, but it turned out I'd gone way too far and the front was practically flat and the rear at 6 psi or so (I limped on to camp then checked the next morning).  So now I'm on 15 psi and that seems perfect on road and trail.

Where's the path?
Some really good trails on the way down - a few covered in hardcore, some really muddy and gnarly.  Managed to get the brake lever caught on a wire fence, but have kicked it back into shape without it snapping.

1 comment:

  1. Google "Brake Snake" to stop your lever from bending again. You can make your own up with a pushbike brake cable inner and a screw type electrical connector.
