Sunday 6 August 2017

Day 9: Rest Day - Orange to Pertuis, 203km.

Day 9: Rest Day - Orange to Pertuis, 203km.

Rest day!
Day off today so only a short ride (I told myself!). After 15km to clear Orange, including hopping through some atmospheric vineyards, it was trails again all day bar a handful of linking twisty col passes. Really gained some altitude on lovely, rocky paths. Lots of views of Mt Ventoux.


Where's Husky?
Smells were fantastic, alternating pine, lavender and thyme.
Regarding the "big bike" debate, I wouldn't say there was anything in the last three days an LC8 couldn't readily manage, even with an average rider like me. Further north after Montluçon there were technical bits that would be tougher, but also easy to skip by backing out and going round on road. Here the route is very engaging and great fun, and you have to pay close attention, but it's not technical in a "how the hell do I get up/over there" way.

Mt Ventoux in the distance
Gained - and lost - a lot of height. Practice those rear brake skills for narrow, rocky downhill switchbacks!
I have relatives in Pertuis, and got here by lunchtime ready for laundry, bike wash, laptop fix and other life admin.

NB: Functionality disabled to prevent extracting KML. If you want to follow the route, get the latest data from

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